he beauty of the sound, the command of the instrument, the poetic sensitivity characterize Armène Stakian's interpretation.
er acute sense of architecture allows each phrase, in its limpidity, to illuminate the polyphony of this work.
his record constitutes a journey, devoid of any trace of monotony, in which one is lead by the intelligence and warmth of an artist who does not seek facility, but is concerned with making known contemporary works of incontestable interest.
he intelligence and culture of this artist is evidenced by the excellent text she wrote for the record cover. Moreover, she is an accomplished and profoundly musical virtuoso, whose talent is truly manifested in the monumental Chaconne in D minor of Bach. Under the bow of Armène Stakian, this famous and formidable piece reaches an impressive majesty.
Jacques Viret, Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande
er interpretation of the Chaconne remains exceptional.
Bernhard Sansonnens, Presto, USDAM, Zürich
rmène Stakian is a constructor of sound, with an inherent command, as well as being an experienced artist gifted with a profound and coherent perception of the work to interpret. Each phrase is reborn, in inexhaustible generosity. As all great violin masters, the Soloist manages to create an atmosphere of prayer, intimacy and inspiration.
B.Alahaidoyan, France-Arménie, Lyon
or Armène Stakian and François Guye, everything becomes an extraordinary lesson of style whatever the repertoire selected.
rare equilibrium, supported by a constant musicality. (Trio de Genève)
rmène Stakian has proved herself to be a sound asset to the Swiss musical field.