istening to Armène Stakian playing the Grande Chaconne in D minor, you will note the majestic sonority, the strong intonation and the virtuosity. But it is her spirituality, the intensity of her interpretation and the nobleness of her heart that make one profoundly conscious of the music of Bach.
There are some professional musicians who are technical geniuses, athletes of the keyboard or the bow, but without their instrument they are non-existent. With Armène Stakian, however, not only are we dealing with a splendid instrumentalist who has mastered all the technicalities of the violin, yet with a cultured and sensitive lady, whose personality radiates through her art and well beyond it.
Armène Stakian is well aware of the joys and restraints of her profession, but also of the responsibility that it implies. Conscious of what she is indebted to her masters, her ambition is to pass on, not only a teaching, but a harmonious way of life.
Armène Stakian's repertoire is not limited to a particular style or period; she is a versatile player whether it be a soloist or together with a Chamber Music group (her preference going to the Violin-piano Sonata and String Trio). Her musical inquisitiveness has driven her from Bach's violonistic bible to the contemporary repertoire (Bartók, Hindemith, Jolivet, Martinon, Takemitsu, Khachaturian), as well as embracing the great Romantic works.
Beyond the purely instrumental qualities, matured at the best schools and developed with a tenacity that only belongs to a perfectionist, there is in her playing that ultimate shine which haloes the sound, enhances the musical phrase and deeply moves and inspires one.